Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Our Children Are NOT Being Taught How To Deal With Bullies - Not In A Way That Actually Stops Bullying!

I haven't posted in a while, I know. But, that's about to change. Starting right now!

Perhaps I got lazy. More likely, I just got side-tracked with the book-writing, video production, and teaching that I do every day.

Either way, I apologize for the silence. I do want you to know that when I do speak to you, that I aim to provide as much value and "food for thought," as possible. And, in that light, I am on my own personal crusade to change things.

Specifically in the way that our children are being taught how to deal with bullies and how to stop bullying!

Let me tell you briefly what spurred me into action on this.

You see, I've been teaching these same lessons to my students and their parents for over 21 years now. Lessons that have literally transformed shy, backwards, timid, and weak kids - kids who were the target of bullies who threatened, attacked, harassed and, yes, beat on a regular basis - into positive, powerful, and productive individuals.

So, you can imagine how much pain and anguish I feel when I see that a teen student in one of our local schools steps in front of a truck, because he thought that that was the answer to "teaching the bullies a lesson."

But, he's not the first, nor is he the only tragedy that we've seen here. Three just in this school year alone. And that's just in my local area. A search on Google shows me that this is a nationwide epidemic!

The confusing part is that all of these schools and social service organizations have so-called "anti-bullying" programs running. And yet, we seem to have a greater problem with bullying than we have ever had.

Check out my new book on how to deal with bullies. It's available on the WCI website as a free download at:

Why is this such a sensitive issue for me? Quite simply, because I was the victim of bullying when I was growing up. Physical bullying, name-calling, attacks on my confidence and self-esteem... name it - I lived it.

But, I also learned the skills and developed the traits that, quite frankly, I was missing - traits that actually acted like homing signals that drew in every bully looking for a target.

And, ironically, what I learned flies in the face of just about everything being taught about how to stop bullying today!

Because, contrary to popular belief, it is much easier to educate and change the potential victims of bullying, than to do what all of these programs suggest... and that's to change the bully!

So, over the coming days and weeks, we're going to really explore this problem. And I'm going to give you some very workable, and proven, ways to empower your child to be strong enough to deal with a bully without becoming one in the process.

These lessons will include things that you can work on with your child, as well as things that you will need to "make" them change. I know, I know...

You don't want to "make" your child do anything that he or she doesn't want to do. I've heard the argument before.

But, it's just not true. You make your child do at least half a dozen things every day because these things are in their best interest. And, these things are no different. (I'll be talking about this "cop-out" excuse as well!)

So, if this is important to you, and you want to get these life-changing lessons for your child - if you want to teach your son or daughter the real lessons for how to deal with a bully...

Get my new ebook on how to deal with bullies. It's available on the WCI website as a free download at:

You will also receive a free subscription to my new "How To Stop Bullying" online course. These lessons will be delivered to you via email several times a week and will give you real, proven ways to help your child deal with bullies - and succeed!

Let's stop the pain, suffering, frustration, and debilitating effects of this nationwide crisis. Even if we can't stop bullying from happening...

We CAN stop bullying from happening to YOUR child!

Until next time...

Peace, Happiness, and Safety,

Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI
Founder & Director
Warrior Concepts Int'l, Inc.
362 Market Street
Sunbury, PA 17801

Phone (570) 988-2228

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